General Discussions
Voice modem recommendations

I'm new to VT Scada, Scada in general.
We are currently migrating off a older machine that is using a PCI Dialogic for a voice modem.

Our new machine only has PCI express slots so I'm looking for a replacement that fits the new machine whether it be PCIe or USB.
We only have 1 phone line strictly for alerts.
I saw that US Robotics and others like TP-Link list in there specs that they support voice but I'd rather not order something only to find out it doesn't work so I thought I'd ask.

What does the community recommend for a voice modem for call alerts?

I'm new to VT Scada, Scada in general. We are currently migrating off a older machine that is using a PCI Dialogic for a voice modem. Our new machine only has PCI express slots so I'm looking for a replacement that fits the new machine whether it be PCIe or USB. We only have 1 phone line strictly for alerts. I saw that US Robotics and others like TP-Link list in there specs that they support voice but I'd rather not order something only to find out it doesn't work so I thought I'd ask. What does the community recommend for a voice modem for call alerts?

Hi! This is a link to an article on this forum that provides advice for choosing modems that includes some recommendations.

Hi! This is a link to an article on this forum that provides advice for choosing modems that includes some recommendations.

Yea, already found that and we ended up ordering the Multitech MT9234MU-CDC-XR but it seems even without the NV it does not support voice and according to that article there are some bugs in the Robotics modem so I was hoping for a better more stable option.

Yea, already found that and we ended up ordering the Multitech MT9234MU-CDC-XR but it seems even without the NV it does not support voice and according to that article there are some bugs in the Robotics modem so I was hoping for a better more stable option.

Viss, the MT9234MU-CDC-XR is the only USB modem readily available with Windows 10 drivers (you have to use the Windows 8.1 drivers I think) that works correctly most of the time. It does support voice. The US Robotics supports voice as well, but seems to break much more often.

Viss, the MT9234MU-CDC-XR is the only USB modem readily available with Windows 10 drivers (you have to use the Windows 8.1 drivers I think) that works correctly most of the time. It does support voice. The US Robotics supports voice as well, but seems to break much more often.
edited Feb 26 '19 at 4:36 pm

Well, even though it does not say, "voice" in the specs for the modem the Multitech MT9234MU-CDC-XR did indeed work once the driver was install and VT Scada was configured! Thank you guys!

Well, even though it does not say, "voice" in the specs for the modem the Multitech MT9234MU-CDC-XR did indeed work once the driver was install and VT Scada was configured! Thank you guys!
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