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Notification showing wrong user

The notification email is attaching the wrong user when sending the message.


Original forum entry (user crd):

crd posted 1 day ago at 10:05 pm
I would like to change the alarm code to the beginning of the message, as to allow the user to 'Like' the alarm message and acknowledge it.

This currently works if we remove all of the text except the date, but that introduces the problem of blind acknowledgement. smile

Email message recieved (user flagshang):


flagshang has replied to the topic: Change Confirmation Dialog message

I would like to change the alarm code to the beginning of the message, as to allow the user to 'Like' the alarm message and acknowledge it.

This currently works if we remove all of the text except the date, but that introduces the problem of blind acknowledgement. ;) 


You can view the reply at the following url

Support Forum team
The notification email is attaching the wrong user when sending the message. Example: Original forum entry (user **crd**): ```` crd posted 1 day ago at 10:05 pm I would like to change the alarm code to the beginning of the message, as to allow the user to 'Like' the alarm message and acknowledge it. This currently works if we remove all of the text except the date, but that introduces the problem of blind acknowledgement. smile ```` Email message recieved (user **flagshang**): ```` Hi, flagshang has replied to the topic: Change Confirmation Dialog message ---- I would like to change the alarm code to the beginning of the message, as to allow the user to 'Like' the alarm message and acknowledge it. This currently works if we remove all of the text except the date, but that introduces the problem of blind acknowledgement. ;) ---- You can view the reply at the following url https://forum.trihedral.com/index.php?u=/topic/617/change-confirmation-dialog-message/post-2538/#post-2538 Regards, Support Forum team ````

Yes, I noted this as well. We'll look at the form to see what's happening here.

Yes, I noted this as well. We'll look at the form to see what's happening here.

Trihedral Engineering Ltd.

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