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I'm trying to communicate between the Allen-Bradley MicroLogix 1100 and VTScada.

I did the following procedures:

I created a Context TAG with the name of my PLC;
Then, within the Context TAG, I created another TCP/IP tag;
In the TCP/IP TAG I entered the Address of my PLC and the Port: 44818;
Within the TCP/IP TAG, I created the Driver TAG and selected the Rockwell Allen Bradley Devices D
recent by TomE  ·  3 days ago at 3:01 pm
JWK posted Jul 7 at 11:10 am
Hi Everyone,

I’m a student at a German Uni working on a project with VT Scada. I’m curious to know how one can check/know how much data is being logged and stored in VT Scada.I’ve read the user manual and watched multiple videos, however I’m yet to find the solution. I would really be appreciative for any guidance.

Thank you.

recent by TomE  ·  Jul 9 at 9:22 am
this is my poorly written chain of IfElse conditions(I also tried in ternary operator)

My text editor says: 402 lines 26802 characters, which is below the max limit mentioned here in the docs

The maximum length of an expression is 65535 characters.
If your expression approaches this limit, you should consider
recent by Dave - VTScada  ·  Jul 2 at 4:59 pm
westfc10 posted May 30 at 12:28 am
Has anyone had someone from VT SCADA come to their facility to train operators on any questions and/or all the ease of uses of their application? We are a new facility, government owned, and everyone is green to the application. It would be nice to get a tutorial to all the things VT SCADA has to offer us!

recent by admin  ·  May 31 at 2:57 pm
cihat posted May 10 at 9:45 am
I am using my devoplement license on my client computer. when i finish my work i want to change the license to client license. every time i reinstall scada program so i waste my time, is there any way to change the license?

recent by admin  ·  May 13 at 3:14 pm
BWRPWA posted May 7 at 2:38 pm

I am considering the switch over to VT and I am getting a PC to test it out on, but will also be the main server on which it will run should I choose to do the switch.

I have always tried to purchase more than the minimum for the few SCADA servers I have setup. I want to do the same for this. However, its been a while since I have bought one and as I am building it the cost is ge
recent by BWRPWA  ·  May 7 at 5:33 pm
I would like to know how the address of the Micro820's digital inputs and outputs is created, being used by the CCW for the VTSCada using the Rockwell driver? I tried to do it using IO_EM_DI_06 as an example, but it didn't work.

recent by Joel.David  ·  Apr 25 at 4:36 pm
scott.chartrand posted Mar 26 at 9:33 pm
The colorize function doesn't appear to work for the widgets in the Idea studio. I tried to set several of them from the standard grey to any other color in the properties/colorize area. but the image does not change,
I am trialing VTscada light v12.1.36

recent by cardsfan  ·  Mar 28 at 2:44 pm
I have a custom tag type, pumpstation, with a few different report tags as children that report on flows and pump activity.

When I create a new pumpstation tag, I always have to go into the child report tags again and create new groups of tags for those reports.

I guess the report tag uses unique tag ids and not relative tag names.

Is there any way to not have to do this manually e
recent by cardsfan  ·  Mar 18 at 8:26 pm
I have two users: admin and operator. the administrator can edit everything, super user. The operator will only be able to view the monitoring screen. How can I make him only see this page when logging into his account? the Supervisory Field page appears in the Admin. When I access the operator's account, I just want the monitoring page to appear

Maiza posted Mar 13 at 10:32 am
It is possible that the trihedral forum will make a video tutorial on how to use the "UserDialogLogon" function as there are some colleagues who are having difficulty. I tried to do it here but it didn't work.

Why hasn't Trihedral implemented a keypad popup for numeric entries? It's definitely feasible, as I've managed to create my own version. Incorporating this feature directly into numeric entry fields, with an option to enable or disable it, would significantly enhance usability and efficiency.

recent by Kevin Way  ·  Mar 7 at 4:46 pm
Is there a way to move the Data Age from a polling driver that is a child to the parent Context Tag/Custom Tag type? i looked through the source debugger for a variable and could not find one. i am assuming this may not be possible with the default context site details widget that is displayed. And yes i know if the polling driver is the parent it displays automatically.

recent by Kevin Way  ·  Mar 2 at 9:02 pm
Hi Everyone, I am having issues communicating with VTS software using compactlogix L32E from Allen-Bradley..
It communicantes for 10 s ( shows green on the small square) then loss communication( shows Grey on the small square which represents communication status).
I am looking forward to your help please.

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