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Anbarasu.A posted Aug 22 '23 at 6:07 am

I was trying to add opacity expression in momentary switches, when selector switch changing the position according to that Momentary switches will fade.

Anybody pls help me to write a expression...

recent by TomE  ·  Aug 22 '23 at 1:59 pm
Glenc posted Aug 8 '23 at 9:23 pm
I have one computer that when I connect to the remote scada server using a web browser to the web address (i.e. the display is complete. However, when i use the VTSX client on the same computer many of the icons are not rendered and the topographical background is not present. At first i suspected a video driver update but the fact that it works with the web browser
jced226 posted Jul 31 '23 at 3:23 pm

I am trying to pull more tags from a P2-550 CPU from AutomationDirect. I looked through the PLC Program on productivity to see the data that VTScada should be pulling. However, it seems to be only pulling two tags from the CPU and not the rest. The tags show a value of 0 but should be showing numbers. I tried accessing Modbus Poll to see what would be the problem, but Modbus Poll isn't
recent by Tames  ·  Jul 31 '23 at 9:46 pm
Tames posted Oct 26 '22 at 4:20 pm

Does anyone have a working example of a basic page using a gridlist function?

The example in the help documentation does not work when copy and pasted into my code, and I have been the extra things to get it working but in the end the Gridlist is not pulling the example list of Data[#][#] or Title[#] information past the first inputs.

Is there something I am missing?

Is there a way to have a dynamic place holder to call a specific widget that is embedded in a popup page. i tried this but it does not link is there a specific function for this? Below is what i tried not the full source code just the specific areas.

Path = concat("WidgetInterlock", Replace(\GetPhrase(Taglink), 0, 12, "-", "_");

GUITransform(12, 148, 579, 53,
1, 1, 1, 1
H2OTom posted Jul 4 '23 at 5:11 am
Hello! I'd like to setup a digital alarm or status for ANY active alarms that are unacknowledged, and not shelved, that have been active and unacknowledged for 5 minutes or more.

Any direction would be appreciated!

When using the online help document the search function in a Microsoft Edge browser will not work properly.

For example, I can search "Anywhere" and I will get 97 results. I can see that most of the results are pages for the Anywhere Client feature. But if I search "Anywhere Client" I will get 0 search results.

If I switch to a Chrome browser and search "Anywhere Client" I will get 76 s
recent by Tames  ·  Jul 11 '23 at 6:37 pm
Are there any rules/algorithm for scaling in VTScada to adjust the values from the PLC to the real values?
At the moment we are getting some values but we have to adjust them to the Output we want to have... Can we do that by scaling is there another possible solution?

Thanks four your expertise and help!

Stefan_Neamtu posted Jun 23 '22 at 7:39 am
I am using a gauge widget and HDV for trending a tag from a modbus device.
The scan interval is set for 60 seconds, i want to keep the last read value until the next read in order not to have gaps in the HDV trend line. I am using the following settings:

Despite those settings i am still getting gaps in the graphics.
I have tried to use the "Hold" option in the SERIAL tab, bu

I am trying to make a historian for the company I work at and they are using a P2-550 cpu for their PLC. I was wondering the best way to connect to this to log information in the system historian and cannot find out a way to solve this problem. I know the IP Address for the PLC. I am just confused on how to get tags from the PLC to log them into the Historian here on VTScada. Any help
recent by jced226  ·  Jun 21 '23 at 12:27 pm
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