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Close popup when it loses focus?

I have a popup menu that calls other popup pages, and I want the menu to close after I use it to open a page. Here's my code below. When I open a popup, however, my code closes the menu along with the popup I just opened. Why? How do I fix this?

  If \DisplayManager.CurrPage() != Self(); {Lose focus}
    \DisplayManager.StopPage(Self) { Close window };
I have a popup menu that calls other popup pages, and I want the menu to close after I use it to open a page. Here's my code below. When I open a popup, however, my code closes the menu along with the popup I just opened. Why? How do I fix this? ```` If \DisplayManager.CurrPage() != Self(); {Lose focus} [ \DisplayManager.StopPage(Self) { Close window }; ] ````
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