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Trend data retrieval

What does it mean what a trend says data retrieval in progress? Everything works fine at first, but when I look at the trends after my project has been running a while none show data and say "Data Retrieval in Progress".

What does it mean what a trend says data retrieval in progress? Everything works fine at first, but when I look at the trends after my project has been running a while none show data and say "Data Retrieval in Progress".

Can you check to see if you have a server, other than your local workstation, in your server list? This is in settings -> edit server list.

Can you check to see if you have a server, other than your local workstation, in your server list? This is in settings -> edit server list.

Trihedral Engineering Ltd.

There is a 2nd server, but the local server is at the top of the list. The 2nd server doesn't need to be there anymore. I'll take it out and see if that fixes it.

There is a 2nd server, but the local server is at the top of the list. The 2nd server doesn't need to be there anymore. I'll take it out and see if that fixes it.

If the server list is empty than the local machine will be the server. Also, if the list has the advanced configuration, then each server may not be set up to be a historian. If you blow the entire server list away, your machine will likely pick up as the local historian. You may also want to check the historian tag to see if there is a storage location or other parameter which is not correctly set. If these parameters are left open, the default is the application folder.

If the server list is empty than the local machine will be the server. Also, if the list has the advanced configuration, then each server may not be set up to be a historian. If you blow the entire server list away, your machine will likely pick up as the local historian. You may also want to check the historian tag to see if there is a storage location or other parameter which is not correctly set. If these parameters are left open, the default is the application folder.

Trihedral Engineering Ltd.

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