Support Forums
Auto Print a page?

Would there be a way to auto print a page off a trigger tag?
The print-screen button is there, I have to imagine there's a way to accomplish this.

Would there be a way to auto print a page off a trigger tag? The print-screen button is there, I have to imagine there's a way to accomplish this.

Thanks for your question.

Yes, it is possible to do.

I just emailed you an answer from one of our support people. (I am not very comfortable posting code to the forum.) Please understand that if you use any part of the code, you do so at your own risk. Trihedral is not responsible for unexpected consequences of custom code. Ensure that you thoroughly test this code in a non critical environment before adding to a live process.

Hope that helps!

Thanks for your question. Yes, it is possible to do. I just emailed you an answer from one of our support people. (I am not very comfortable posting code to the forum.) Please understand that if you use any part of the code, **you do so at your own risk. Trihedral is not responsible for unexpected consequences of custom code.** Ensure that you thoroughly test this code in a non critical environment before adding to a live process. Hope that helps!
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