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I need your help, I'd like to create a tag to be used as calculation accumulative reading of my flow meter. my meter is daily reset @ 6 am. I don't want this tag to be reset

Folks, I need your help, I'd like to create a tag to be used as calculation accumulative reading of my flow meter. my meter is daily reset @ 6 am. I don't want this tag to be reset

Thanks TomE for your answer, actually we already using totalizer to calculate daily flowrate. and the totalizer is resetting @ 6 am every day, I'd like to add this daily flowrate and calculate the accumulative flow rate on yearly basis

Thanks TomE for your answer, actually we already using totalizer to calculate daily flowrate. and the totalizer is resetting @ 6 am every day, I'd like to add this daily flowrate and calculate the accumulative flow rate on yearly basis

can you use another totalizer tag that does not reset, or a History Statisitcs Tag if the daily total is only logged at the point of being reset?

can you use another totalizer tag that does not reset, or a History Statisitcs Tag if the daily total is only logged at the point of being reset?
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