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Tank Cutawy to show level

Hi folks, can someone educate me on the tank cutaways... there are loads of cutaways in the standard library, is there a way to combine these with a tank image to make a transparent cutaway for use with an analog bar, or are we limited to the tanks that have a transparent bar?

Hi folks, can someone educate me on the tank cutaways... there are loads of cutaways in the standard library, is there a way to combine these with a tank image to make a transparent cutaway for use with an analog bar, or are we limited to the tanks that have a transparent bar?

Note, I've created my own .png images and imported these, however it would be nice to use the standard library cutouts.

Note, I've created my own .png images and imported these, however it would be nice to use the standard library cutouts.

It's a great question... I'm not sure how one would use those cutout graphics.

It's a great question... I'm not sure how one would use those cutout graphics.

Trihedral Engineering Ltd.

For such things as tank cutaways, images can have two colours present that are treated as transparent, see the help documentation for the Two Color Bar Widget.

For such things as tank cutaways, images can have two colours present that are treated as transparent, see the help documentation for the [Two Color Bar Widget](

Software Developer with Trihedral

Hi Graham, This does not work with the cutouts in the Image library below, or have I missed something?


Hi Graham, This does not work with the cutouts in the Image library below, or have I missed something? ![6788f8df91cc4](serve/attachment&path=6788f8df91cc4)

Got it - I was using a standard Top Bar Widget not the Two Colour Widget... Works now.

Got it - I was using a standard Top Bar Widget not the Two Colour Widget... Works now.

This was trickier than I thought it would be, I had to ask our excellent documentation team.

Try the following:

  1. Draw your tank image, I used Images\Tanks\BrewKettle.
  2. Draw the cutaway image on top of the brew kettle. I used Images\Tanks\Tank Cutaways\CrackedCutAway. Adjust to fit inside the kettle.
  3. Draw a color fill widget on top, I used Widgets\Basic Components\Color Indications\Color Fill. Adjust the Color Fill size to be slightly large than the cutaway but inside the kettle image.
  4. In the Color Fill properties:
    1. Set the Tag property to a tag which will represent the level.
    2. Set the Changed Color to white (RGB of 255, 255, 255).
    3. Set the Bar Color as required. I used Red (255, 0, 0).

Adjust other Color Fill properties as required.

I ended up with this glorious creation (I'm a programmer not an artist):


Note if you're creating your own cutaway images that the Changed Color should be the same as the "interior" color of your image.

This was trickier than I thought it would be, I had to ask our excellent documentation team. Try the following: 1. Draw your tank image, I used Images\Tanks\BrewKettle. 1. Draw the cutaway image on top of the brew kettle. I used Images\Tanks\Tank Cutaways\CrackedCutAway. Adjust to fit inside the kettle. 1. Draw a color fill widget on top, I used Widgets\Basic Components\Color Indications\Color Fill. Adjust the Color Fill size to be slightly large than the cutaway but inside the kettle image. 1. In the Color Fill properties: 1. Set the Tag property to a tag which will represent the level. 1. Set the `Changed Color` to white (RGB of 255, 255, 255). 1. Set the `Bar Color` as required. I used Red (255, 0, 0). Adjust other Color Fill properties as required. I ended up with this glorious creation (I'm a programmer not an artist): ![678934e8181c7](serve/attachment&path=678934e8181c7) Note if you're creating your own cutaway images that the `Changed Color` should be the same as the "interior" color of your image.

Software Developer with Trihedral

edited Jan 16 at 4:44 pm

Wow! I had no idea that this was how these graphics were designed to be used.

Wow! I had no idea that this was how these graphics were designed to be used.

Trihedral Engineering Ltd.

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