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Hi, Has anyone setup VTscada with an AB SLC505 over ethernet. I am struggling with understanding the configuration and receive either a 789, 3894 or no value. What would be the correct setup config for a SLC505 with IP address of
Tried different PLC modes,Port segment paths and CIP targets and tried 44818 or 2222 TCP/IP port number each result in a error code. I can ping the address and successfully connect with other software.

Hi, Has anyone setup VTscada with an AB SLC505 over ethernet. I am struggling with understanding the configuration and receive either a 789, 3894 or no value. What would be the correct setup config for a SLC505 with IP address of Tried different PLC modes,Port segment paths and CIP targets and tried 44818 or 2222 TCP/IP port number each result in a error code. I can ping the address and successfully connect with other software.

Problem Solved:
PLC mode: PCC over CIP
Port segment: [ ]
CIP connection target: Message router, no connection point.

PLC Type: SLC500
PLC address (Octal): 01

Problem Solved: Configuration PLC mode: PCC over CIP Port segment: [ ] CIP connection target: Message router, no connection point. PCC/DF1 PLC Type: SLC500 PLC address (Octal): 01
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