General Discussions
Revenue Grade Power Meters Compatible with VTS

I was wondering if anybody knows of some revenue grade power meters that are able to communicate with VTS. Meters similar to the SEL 735.


I was wondering if anybody knows of some revenue grade power meters that are able to communicate with VTS. Meters similar to the SEL 735. Thanks, Aaron

Would one of the following be helpful:

Page 5 has the following table:

Protocols available†
01 - EZ-7, EZ-7 Ethernet;
02 - Modbus RTU, EZ-7 Ethernet
03 - BACnet MS/TP, EZ-7 Ethernet
04 - EZ-7, Modbus TCP/IP;
05 - EZ-7, BACnet IP
06 - Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP/IP
07 - LonWorks TP, EZ-7 Ethernet
08 - LonWorks TP, Modbus TCP/ IP
09 - EZ-7, EZ-7 Ethernet with modem
10 - EZ-7, Modbus TCP/IP with modem
11 - EZ-7, BACnet IP with modem

I'd suggest meters with Modbus TCP/IP connectivity are most likely to work well.

Would one of the following be helpful: Page 5 has the following table: ```` Protocols available† 01 - EZ-7, EZ-7 Ethernet; 02 - Modbus RTU, EZ-7 Ethernet 03 - BACnet MS/TP, EZ-7 Ethernet 04 - EZ-7, Modbus TCP/IP; 05 - EZ-7, BACnet IP 06 - Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP/IP 07 - LonWorks TP, EZ-7 Ethernet 08 - LonWorks TP, Modbus TCP/ IP 09 - EZ-7, EZ-7 Ethernet with modem 10 - EZ-7, Modbus TCP/IP with modem 11 - EZ-7, BACnet IP with modem ```` I'd suggest meters with Modbus TCP/IP connectivity are most likely to work well.

Trihedral Engineering Ltd.

edited Mar 12 '18 at 5:48 pm
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