Custom Colors
Hi. Here is my MWe:
documentclass [12pt, Dvipsnames] {Amsart}
usepackage{latexsym, AMSSYMB}
usepackage{xcolor, COLORTBL}
{color{orange} $ varphi (x) $}, {color{RedOrange} $ varphi (x) $}, {color{red} $ varphi (x) $}.
Now, I'd like to darken the second orange, but I can't
To create my own custom color. So, I searched for a page that would report the various colors according to RGB, HTML, etc. Unfortunately, do not work. The orange becomes even white. It may be that there is a mistake on the site.
How can I do it?
Custom Colors
Hi. Here is my MWe:
documentclass [12pt, Dvipsnames] {Amsart}
usepackage{latexsym, AMSSYMB}
usepackage{xcolor, COLORTBL}
{color{orange} $ varphi (x) $}, {color{RedOrange} $ varphi (x) $}, {color{red} $ varphi (x) $}.
Now, I'd like to darken the second orange, but I can't
To create my own custom color. So, I searched for a page that would report the various colors according to RGB, HTML, etc. Unfortunately, do not work. The orange becomes even white. It may be that there is a mistake on the site.
How can I do it?
edited Sep 30 at 1:26 pm