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Using VTSCADA as DDE Server and Excel

Hey everyone.

I am trying to use excel to read the tag values from my application, in the example in this link

It says to use

For my application I would think it would be

HMI being the app name and then the tag

However when that is executed, it has a popup saying remote data not accessible, etc, etc, Start application VTS.EXE?

choosing Yes makes a new popup saying cannot run VTS.EXE

I've tried changing to VTScada or VTSLauncher and neither of those work, vtscada is also already running so I'm not sure why its trying to run again. the single quotes also disappear when it executes.

if anyone has some insight on this formula that would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Hey everyone. I am trying to use excel to read the tag values from my application, in the example in this link It says to use =VTS|'AppName'!'TagName\Value' For my application I would think it would be =VTS|'HMI'!'DUPREE_WTP_DRIVER\DUP_HSP1_PDAY_RT\Value' HMI being the app name and then the tag However when that is executed, it has a popup saying remote data not accessible, etc, etc, Start application VTS.EXE? choosing Yes makes a new popup saying cannot run VTS.EXE I've tried changing to VTScada or VTSLauncher and neither of those work, vtscada is also already running so I'm not sure why its trying to run again. the single quotes also disappear when it executes. if anyone has some insight on this formula that would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.

I have a little paint shop example app which uses DDE which you can use as a template. The DDE tag is called ExcelRecipes and it connects to a *.xlsx which lives in the application directory. Another important note is that for DDE, the excel sheet needs to be converted from the typical format to RC format. ie: C2 maps to R2C3

an image of my DDE tag configuration is below:

Here is an image of the sample application with the DDE portion highlighted:

You can download my sample application here:
*See the included ReadMe.txt

I have a little paint shop example app which uses DDE which you can use as a template. The DDE tag is called ExcelRecipes and it connects to a *.xlsx which lives in the application directory. Another important note is that for DDE, the excel sheet needs to be converted from the typical format to RC format. ie: C2 maps to R2C3 an image of my DDE tag configuration is below: ![5be457eb2ce62](serve/attachment&path=5be457eb2ce62) Here is an image of the sample application with the DDE portion highlighted: ![5be4580910781](serve/attachment&path=5be4580910781) You can download my sample application here: *See the included ReadMe.txt

Trihedral Engineering Ltd.

Thanks Dave for the response, finally got it figured out with tech supports help, the Application name is a bit misleading as it is not necessarily what you named your application, in theory it should of been HMI like i had, but instead of the Application name it is the Window name that is open, because i had a dual monitor setup i had HMI 1 and HMI 2, therefore the 'AppName' needed to be 'HMI 1'

I assume if i did not have a dual monitor setup, 'HMI' would have worked but for now, until there is further clarification, I would just be sure to check the window name that is open and not what the application is named.

Thanks Dave for the response, finally got it figured out with tech supports help, the Application name is a bit misleading as it is not necessarily what you named your application, in theory it should of been HMI like i had, but instead of the Application name it is the Window name that is open, because i had a dual monitor setup i had HMI 1 and HMI 2, therefore the 'AppName' needed to be 'HMI 1' I assume if i did not have a dual monitor setup, 'HMI' would have worked but for now, until there is further clarification, I would just be sure to check the window name that is open and not what the application is named.
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