We have been unable to configure our ModbusTCP driver to 0 address offset. Can you please advise?
We did the following:
1) Make a Context Tag (which will be the parent of the TCP driver)
2) Go to Settings, and add a property: "ModiconTypedAddr1Offset". We set the value to 0.
We have also been unable to write to coils. Could you provide an example of how to write specific bits to a coil?
We have been unable to configure our ModbusTCP driver to 0 address offset. Can you please advise?
We did the following:
1) Make a Context Tag (which will be the parent of the TCP driver)
2) Go to Settings, and add a property: "ModiconTypedAddr1Offset". We set the value to 0.
We have also been unable to write to coils. Could you provide an example of how to write specific bits to a coil?