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Scripting language

How to call 'tag configuration/properties' window in a module/script ? (using code)

How to call 'tag configuration/properties' window in a module/script ? (using code)

I believe you can do the following:



MyVariable = \MyArea\MyPort\MyDriver\MyTag\Value;

I believe you can do the following: \Full\Tag\Path\Parameter Example: MyVariable = \MyArea\MyPort\MyDriver\MyTag\Value;

Trihedral Engineering Ltd.

Sorry Dave, I guess problem is not explain by me properly.

I want to place a button on screen, pressing which would open the 'properties window' of a particular tag.

Can you please let me know how to do this using VTScada script language?

Sorry Dave, I guess problem is not explain by me properly. I want to place a button on screen, pressing which would open the 'properties window' of a particular tag. Can you please let me know how to do this using VTScada script language?

While you can likely do this in script, you can also just draw a widget with the tag such as text, or an indicator. In the running application, simply right click on the widget and select properties to load the tag properties. Note that doing the same thing in the idea studio will open the widget properties.

While you can likely do this in script, you can also just draw a widget with the tag such as text, or an indicator. In the running application, simply right click on the widget and select properties to load the tag properties. Note that doing the same thing in the idea studio will open the widget properties.

Trihedral Engineering Ltd.

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