The downside of the application property as "memory tags" is that they only serve the function of being editable with the Edit Property widget.
They aren't logged as tags like everything else, or historized, can't alarm (unless creating additional tags to point to them), can't be referenced by a multi-write tag, can't be used in the type system, and are impossible to maintain except by an integrator. They also can't use the Numerical Entry widget.
Which leaves the only valid option of using up your tag license with analog control tags that aren't pointed to a driver. Which, because they are control tags, still can't be logged or alarmed on, so you still also need to create calculation tags to reference them.
So if you want to allow operators to choose the priority of an alarm, for instance, outside of the tag browser (on the screen) you require 2 licensed tags for every alarm point. Seems to encourage license-thwarting practices like bit-packing an analog tag, IMO.
The downside of the application property as "memory tags" is that they only serve the function of being editable with the Edit Property widget.
They aren't logged as tags like everything else, or historized, can't alarm (unless creating additional tags to point to them), can't be referenced by a multi-write tag, can't be used in the type system, and are impossible to maintain except by an integrator. They also can't use the Numerical Entry widget.
Which leaves the only valid option of using up your tag license with analog control tags that aren't pointed to a driver. Which, because they are control tags, still can't be logged or alarmed on, so you still also need to create calculation tags to reference them.
So if you want to allow operators to choose the priority of an alarm, for instance, outside of the tag browser (on the screen) you require 2 licensed tags for every alarm point. Seems to encourage license-thwarting practices like bit-packing an analog tag, IMO.
edited Jul 24 '19 at 9:49 pm