General Discussions
How can I read the value of a CNT (count up timer) and display the value on my Vtscada screen using modbus from a BRX PLC?

How can I read the value of a CNT counter from my BRX PLC using the modbus protocol?

How can I read the value of a CNT counter from my BRX PLC using the modbus protocol?

Does the BRX programming software give you the ability to map the counter value to a Modbus register? If not, you may be able to add a small change to your PLC program to copy the counter value to a different memory location that can then be mapped to a Modbus register.

Does the BRX programming software give you the ability to map the counter value to a Modbus register? If not, you may be able to add a small change to your PLC program to copy the counter value to a different memory location that can then be mapped to a Modbus register.

Lawrence MacNeil
Trihedral Engineering Limited

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