General Discussions
High Performance Widget Setpoint selection

Good morning,

Little quirk I noticed this morning - When using the Vertical Analog Bar High Performance Widget (VT12) the setpoint only allows you to choose a tag. It should allow the selection of a parameter, linked tag property or expression.

In my particular case I wanted to select a linked tag. This was accomplished by just choosing the tag (that I would like to have linked too) and then finding it in the source code and change the scoping of the tag.

For now it is possible to adjust in the source code:

In the GUITransform....

PickValid(Scope(\Root, "Motor Speed New")VerticalAnalogBarleft, Scope(\VTSDB, ":AnalogStatus", TRUE)\VerticalAnalogBarleft)(Invalid, 0.2, 0, 0, Scope(\VTSDB, "@b4}j^5#rf\3.f#&L&bc%\n0_3p9i#y)\w.7}1n3x-#", TRUE), 1, 0, 0, 0, 0));

changed to:

PickValid(Scope(\Root, "Motor Speed New")\VerticalAnalogBarleft, Scope(\VTSDB, ":AnalogStatus", TRUE)\VerticalAnalogBarleft)(Invalid, 0.2, 0, 0, Scope(\Root, "Motor Setpoint"), 1, 0, 0, 0, 0));

Hope this is helpful.

Good morning, Little quirk I noticed this morning - When using the Vertical Analog Bar High Performance Widget (VT12) the setpoint only allows you to choose a tag. It should allow the selection of a parameter, linked tag property or expression. In my particular case I wanted to select a linked tag. This was accomplished by just choosing the tag (that I would like to have linked too) and then finding it in the source code and change the scoping of the tag. For now it is possible to adjust in the source code: EG: In the GUITransform.... ```` PickValid(Scope(\Root, "Motor Speed New")VerticalAnalogBarleft, Scope(\VTSDB, ":AnalogStatus", TRUE)\VerticalAnalogBarleft)(Invalid, 0.2, 0, 0, Scope(\VTSDB, "@b4}j^5#rf\3.f#&L&bc%\n0_3p9i#y)\w.7}1n3x-#", TRUE), 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)); ```` changed to: ```` PickValid(Scope(\Root, "Motor Speed New")\VerticalAnalogBarleft, Scope(\VTSDB, ":AnalogStatus", TRUE)\VerticalAnalogBarleft)(Invalid, 0.2, 0, 0, Scope(\Root, "Motor Setpoint"), 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)); ```` Hope this is helpful.

If you group it into a tag type widget you can use tag properties. That grouping can be anything (ie: the Analog Bar widget and a text box). Once you've made the tag type widget, you can add and remove parts as needed. The new widget will become a reusable widget.

FYI there is currently a feature request to make this easier. I'll add your posting to that file.

If you group it into a tag type widget you can use tag properties. That grouping can be anything (ie: the Analog Bar widget and a text box). Once you've made the tag type widget, you can add and remove parts as needed. The new widget will become a reusable widget. FYI there is currently a feature request to make this easier. I'll add your posting to that file.

Trihedral Engineering Ltd.

edited Jan 17 '20 at 6:44 pm
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