OK, First off I'll start with a few assumptions.
One you're trying to access a SLC5/xx or PLC5/XX on a DH485 or a DH+ network.
Two, you've erroneously selected the CIP driver instead of the DF1 Driver.
Three, hopefully you've selected the correct gateway firmware as I don't know for sure what you're connecting to. It's probably AN-X2AB-DHP but I'm not sure.
Try watching this video and seeing if the helps.
OK, First off I'll start with a few assumptions.
One you're trying to access a SLC5/xx or PLC5/XX on a DH485 or a DH+ network.
Two, you've erroneously selected the CIP driver instead of the DF1 Driver.
Three, hopefully you've selected the correct gateway firmware as I don't know for sure what you're connecting to. It's probably AN-X2AB-DHP but I'm not sure.
Try watching this video and seeing if the helps.
[Set Up: DH+ to EtherNet/IP PanelView migration gateway for PLC5s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=230&v=VJOvoplP5MM&feature=emb_logo "Set Up: DH+ to EtherNet/IP PanelView migration gateway for PLC5s")
edited Apr 15 '20 at 4:05 pm