Just wondering if anyone has had any luck using VTScada to connect to the BRX Controllers from Automation Direct. I love the PLCs but I am only successful with MODBUS comms which are limited to specific registers. I create my own User Data Types (UDT's) that are mappable to EIP Locations to which you can use Ethernet Explicit Messaging to. I am very unfamiliar with getting the communications to work as I have tried various drivers but the only one that I can even see being able to work is the CIP/ENIP driver. I am having no luck even getting a connection. The default port is 44818 and I have an EDS file generated by the PLC for address locations and such but VTScada does not support the EDS file import that I can tell. Just wondering, because I would LOVE to stop manually mapping UDT's to Modbus registers and doing double the work to make it work.