Support Forums
Communication between the KepServer DA client and VTScada OPC DA Server fails

On the same computer, VTScada as OPC DA server, Kepserver as OPC DA client, OPC DA client is added to kepServer. When adding Select Import Items,The message Failed to connect is displayed as shown in the following figure. Thank you

On the same computer, VTScada as OPC DA server, Kepserver as OPC DA client, OPC DA client is added to kepServer. When adding Select Import Items,The message Failed to connect is displayed as shown in the following figure. Thank you ![62a0486918cd0](serve/attachment&path=62a0486918cd0)
edited Jun 8 '22 at 8:03 am

What version of Kepware? I'm running V6.11.718.0 and the OPC DA properties looks a little different, but the connection works for me and I can read the data.


What version of Kepware? I'm running V6.11.718.0 and the OPC DA properties looks a little different, but the connection works for me and I can read the data. ![62b01468536a2](serve/attachment&path=62b01468536a2)

Software Developer with Trihedral

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