General Discussions
VTScadaLIGHT Lowest Cost PC?

What is the lowest cost computer you have successfully run VTScadaLIGHT on and what model PC is it?

Thank you,

What is the lowest cost computer you have successfully run VTScadaLIGHT on and what model PC is it? Thank you, Brian

The lowest cost computer I have seen running VTScada is the Lenovo Stick 300.

You should have no issues running a VTScadaLIGHT application on this. We have run this computer as a redundant server in a demo application with five synchronized servers running an application with nearly 1000 tags. It was pretty impressive.

The lowest cost computer I have seen running VTScada is the Lenovo Stick 300. You should have no issues running a VTScadaLIGHT application on this. We have run this computer as a redundant server in a demo application with five synchronized servers running an application with nearly 1000 tags. It was pretty impressive.

Trihedral Engineering Ltd.

edited Feb 15 '17 at 3:08 pm

I would add that developing an application is quite possible on a lower-spec computer, but will require more patience than doing it on a modern desktop computer.

As Dave said, a deployed application requires surprisingly little computing power.

I would add that developing an application is quite possible on a lower-spec computer, but will require more patience than doing it on a modern desktop computer. As Dave said, a deployed application requires surprisingly little computing power.
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