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Specify different drive letter based on workstation

Will have a primary and backup workstation. One with F: drive, the other D: drive for their historian storage location. Need to specify drive location based on Workstation name. F:/VTScada for one and D:/VTScada for the other.

Will have a primary and backup workstation. One with F: drive, the other D: drive for their historian storage location. Need to specify drive location based on Workstation name. F:/VTScada for one and D:/VTScada for the other.

Does this not just work is the leave the storage location as the default blank? I've had VTScada installed in different directories on different machines and haven't had issues with the historian storage location in the past.

If you are specifying different locations manually, please read through the following from the help files:

As an example, you could create a parameter expression for this which places a location per workstation name such as:

\RPCManager.WkStnName == "MyPrimaryPC" ? "C:\VTScada\AppName" : "F:\VTScada\AppName"
Does this not just work is the leave the storage location as the default blank? I've had VTScada installed in different directories on different machines and haven't had issues with the historian storage location in the past. If you are specifying different locations manually, please read through the following from the help files: As an example, you could create a parameter expression for this which places a location per workstation name such as: ```` \RPCManager.WkStnName == "MyPrimaryPC" ? "C:\VTScada\AppName" : "F:\VTScada\AppName" ````

Trihedral Engineering Ltd.

edited Dec 20 '22 at 8:37 pm

Thanks Dave. I found another application where I added the separate folder locations to the application properties. Under advanced, added a new property "SystemHistorianStorageLocation" for each workstation and was able to specify the folder location under 'Value'.

Thanks Dave. I found another application where I added the separate folder locations to the application properties. Under advanced, added a new property "SystemHistorianStorageLocation" for each workstation and was able to specify the folder location under 'Value'.

Excellent. I didn't realize we had that as a property but yes, since it is there, you can easily assign a property to each PC.

Excellent. I didn't realize we had that as a property but yes, since it is there, you can easily assign a property to each PC.

Trihedral Engineering Ltd.

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