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Docker? Multiple EXE's running?

Wondering if anyone has managed to setup VTS within a Docker container or similar.

Ultimately, my goal is to be able to run multiple versions of VT simultaneously. As an integrator I have some apps on 12.1.19, others running 12.0.56 and then a few others that I support. I would improve my efficiency if I can be working on different projects at the same time without having to shutdown one instance, start up another, and then go back and forth all day.

I think the best way to do this would be in a Docker environment, but I'm still very new at Docker in general so I'm not even sure if this is what I need to use. VM's might be my only solution but they are bulky, chew up too much HDD space with images and are RAM pigs.

Plus the new licensing model may not even allow me to use Docker or run multiple VMs with any kind of efficacy, so the whole concept of running multiple processes may be dead.

Any solutions or insight is appreciated.

Wondering if anyone has managed to setup VTS within a Docker container or similar. Ultimately, my goal is to be able to run multiple versions of VT simultaneously. As an integrator I have some apps on 12.1.19, others running 12.0.56 and then a few others that I support. I would improve my efficiency if I can be working on different projects at the same time without having to shutdown one instance, start up another, and then go back and forth all day. I *think* the best way to do this would be in a Docker environment, but I'm still very new at Docker in general so I'm not even sure if this is what I need to use. VM's might be my only solution but they are bulky, chew up too much HDD space with images and are RAM pigs. Plus the new licensing model may not even allow me to use Docker or run multiple VMs with any kind of efficacy, so the whole concept of running multiple processes may be dead. Any solutions or insight is appreciated. Thanks!

I just install different version into different directorys in windows, for example.

I just install different version into different directorys in windows, for example. C:\VTScada_12_1_22 C:\VTScada_12_1_13

I have that already. I think I have 6 versions installed. But I would like to run multiple versions simultaneously ie. run 12.0.56 at the same time as 12.1.19 so I can do work on two projects without having to shutdown one version first before starting up the other.

I have that already. I think I have 6 versions installed. But I would like to run multiple versions simultaneously ie. run 12.0.56 at the same time as 12.1.19 so I can do work on two projects without having to shutdown one version first before starting up the other.

You can use VM's for and it will likely also work with docker instances (Though I'm not sure it has been tested) however you will need unique machine ID's and a VTScada licensed serial number for each instance you are running.

You can use VM's for and it will likely also work with docker instances (Though I'm not sure it has been tested) however you will need unique machine ID's and a VTScada licensed serial number for each instance you are running.

Trihedral Engineering Ltd.

I kinda figured the licensing might be a limiting factor to this plan. I've only got one key, so I don't think I'll get very far with this unless my company obtains more licenses. Thanks for the reply Dave.

I kinda figured the licensing might be a limiting factor to this plan. I've only got one key, so I don't think I'll get very far with this unless my company obtains more licenses. Thanks for the reply Dave.
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