Support Forums
Custom Alarm Configuration


I have tried to make my own custom Alarm page setup.
When I am using just a few settings like this, it works.

But I need all the features, but with custom columns.
It looks OK, but none of the alarms/history is showing. Have a broken the link to the Alarm database?

This is my new AlarmListFormats.XML ->


Looks like this when using the original Alarms:


When I am switching to my custom Xylem_StandardFormatLabel:


I have not changed anything but naming. And I cant figure out where the link to the alarm database is disappearing.

This small change is working with the alarm database, however. But then it only shows Active alarms. I have tried adding UnAcknowledged, but then everything stop working.
Hello. I have tried to make my own custom Alarm page setup. When I am using just a few settings like this, it works. But I need all the features, but with custom columns. It looks OK, but none of the alarms/history is showing. Have a broken the link to the Alarm database? This is my new AlarmListFormats.XML -> ```` ```` ![59df48a3d1371.png](serve/attachment&path=59df48a3d1371.png) Looks like this when using the original **Alarms**: ![59df48c46540c.png](serve/attachment&path=59df48c46540c.png) When I am switching to my custom Xylem_StandardFormatLabel: ![59df48f504d9c.png](serve/attachment&path=59df48f504d9c.png) I have not changed anything but naming. And I cant figure out where the link to the alarm database is disappearing. This small change is working with the alarm database, however. But then it only shows Active alarms. I have tried adding UnAcknowledged, but then everything stop working. ```` ````
edited Oct 12 '17 at 11:54 am

I figured out this one myself. A little bit careless with Replace All.

<Format name="Xylem_SingleXylemSet1">

No match between alle Format Name's, and the use of the format names.

        <Format name="Xylem_AlarmStandard" label="Xylem_StandardFormatLabel">
          <list name="Xylem_History" label="Logg">

Fixed all instances to SingleXylemSet and DoubleXylemSet and everything works fine.


I figured out this one myself. A little bit careless with Replace All. ```` &lt;Format name=&quot;Xylem_SingleXylemSet1&quot;&gt; ```` No match between alle **Format Name**&#039;s, and the _use_ of the format names. ```` &lt;ListFormats&gt; &lt;Format name=&quot;Xylem_AlarmStandard&quot; label=&quot;Xylem_StandardFormatLabel&quot;&gt; &lt;list name=&quot;Xylem_History&quot; label=&quot;Logg&quot;&gt; &lt;Single&gt;SingleXylemSet1&lt;/Single&gt; ```` Fixed all instances to *SingleXylemSet* and *DoubleXylemSet* and everything works fine. ![59df5e1bbccb4.png](serve/attachment&amp;path=59df5e1bbccb4.png)
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