General Discussions
Unreadable text format is shown for "Setup.ini"

When I open "Setup.ini" file by notepad then texts are shown as like below:

" • |Ù¼ƒ”5m ¬Wmkã8þ^èGw¡äÒ+-Ç~È&]ZhoRŽíq(ö$•%Ÿ¤ÄÍþú›‘•¾ÅYÜÛˇØQÆÏ<Í<3þÖO’ô¯ÃƒL'éýáÁI¸ÉD.îyq²òÆJ¡RY¬” û°šš•Í†8[-X¯M¬ ¥©Ä.|¶¦rhGF×ÿ£ó_¬(°2ö¡vÔ/K%3á¥Ñ#¡EDëC+×h‘±ÝáÁ·ñň\Êïú#Øûù=¶#û¡Z\¢÷Ùhúg:‰¸ZÌNÇWɵY4ãž°]‹Ï)zðŒF¾8±¦˜0(³p¼ÂôE*t÷Ñ¡ëħ¾£5|õ+«ÁÌç]öÊf‰±þ»>ë÷ÚPäcåæÆBJä2¡”c€ÛdH½¸ÒíZ¨FÑî3£5f~"lŠØ³¡CQ‰M#ùÓh—>øAØ÷‹ÒÄc“c²«!£™ÛC05Ùú!Š¼‰a<R²#7¯Qï‰×'8?;;=gÛ4[b!øìþ¾K‡×M¶•ËU÷±PoÌ/'“¤É|é}ÙžŽûÉÅÍÇufr:ž½LY£2%na&smileÅ.¥óE;Eë¨ø^?Ò:“겁a(]¸ª|6ôÅ`=H\ƒEWípË…‚¡½ô:…¾¥Ò«?m) U¥Ø(#r(Ñ’Ò$"ŒÓ ±øgErä^°âœô"
What is the reason? please explain it.
Having used windows 10/11 updated operating system, I have not got any solution.

When I open &quot;Setup.ini&quot; file by notepad then texts are shown as like below: &quot; &bull; |&Ugrave;&frac14;&fnof;&rdquo;5m &not;Wmk&atilde;8&thorn;^&egrave;Gw&iexcl;&auml;&Ograve;+-&Ccedil;~&Egrave;&amp;]ZhoRŽ&iacute;q(&ouml;$&bull;%&Yuml;&curren;&Auml;&Iacute;&thorn;&uacute;&rsaquo;&lsquo;&bull;&frac34;&Aring;Y&Uuml;&Ucirc;&Euml;&Dagger;&Oslash;Q&AElig;&Iuml;&lt;&Iacute;&lt;3&thorn;&Ouml;O&rsquo;&ocirc;&macr;&Atilde;&fnof;L&#039;&eacute;&yacute;&aacute;&Aacute;I&cedil;&Eacute;D.&icirc;yq&sup2;&ograve;&AElig;J&iexcl;RY&not;&rdquo;&nbsp;&ucirc;&deg;&scaron;&scaron;&bull;&Iacute;&dagger;8[-X&macr;M&not;&nbsp;&yen;&copy;&Auml;*.|&para;&brvbar;rhGF&times;&yuml;&pound;&oacute;_&not;(&deg;2&ouml;&iexcl;v&Ocirc;/K%3&aacute;&yen;&Ntilde;#&iexcl;ED&euml;C+&times;h&lsquo;&plusmn;&Yacute;&aacute;&Aacute;&middot;&ntilde;&Aring;&circ;\&Ecirc;&iuml;&uacute;#&Oslash;&ucirc;&ugrave;=&para;#&ucirc;&iexcl;Z\&cent;*&divide;&Ugrave;h&uacute;g:&permil;&cedil;Z&Igrave;N&Ccedil;W&Eacute;&micro;Y4&atilde;ž&deg;]&lsaquo;&Iuml;)z&eth;&OElig;F&frac34;8&plusmn;&brvbar;&tilde;0(&sup3;p&frac14;&Acirc;&ocirc;E*t&divide;&Ntilde;&iexcl;&euml;&Auml;&sect;&frac34;&pound;5|&otilde;+&laquo;&Aacute;&Igrave;&ccedil;]&ouml;&Ecirc;f&permil;&plusmn;&thorn;&raquo;&gt;&euml;&divide;&Uacute; P&auml;c&aring;&aelig;&AElig;BJ&auml;2&iexcl;&rdquo;c&euro;&Ucirc;dH&frac12;&cedil;&Ograve;&iacute;Z&uml;F_&Ntilde;&icirc;3&pound;5f~&quot; l&Scaron;&Oslash;&sup3;&iexcl;CQ&permil;M#&ugrave;&Oacute;h&mdash;&gt;&oslash;A&Oslash;&divide;&lsaquo;&Ograve;&Auml;c&ldquo;c&sup2;&laquo;!&pound;&trade;&Ucirc;C05&Ugrave;&uacute;!&Scaron;&frac14;&permil;a&lt;R&sup2;#7_&macr;Q&iuml;&permil;&times;&#039;8?;;=g&Ucirc;4[b!&oslash;&igrave;&thorn;&frac34;K&Dagger;&times;M&para;&bull;&Euml;U&divide;&plusmn;Po&Igrave;/&#039;&ldquo;&curren;&Eacute;|&eacute;}&Ugrave;`žŽ&ucirc;&Eacute;&Aring;&Iacute;`&Ccedil;ufr:ž&frac12;LY&pound;2%na&amp;)&Aring;.&yen;&oacute;E;E&euml;&uml;&oslash;^?&Ograve;:&ldquo;&ecirc;&sup2;_a(]&cedil;&ordf;|6&ocirc;&Aring;`=H\&fnof;EW&iacute;p&Euml;&hellip;&sbquo;&iexcl;&frac12;&ocirc;:&hellip;_&frac34;&yen;&Ograve;&laquo;?m) U&yen;&Oslash;(#r(&Ntilde;&rsquo;&Ograve;$&quot;&OElig;&Oacute; &plusmn;&oslash;gEr&auml;^&deg;&acirc;&oelig;&ocirc;&quot; What is the reason? please explain it. Having used windows 10/11 updated operating system, I have not got any solution.
edited Dec 2 '23 at 6:10 am

Please ensure you are opening it in UTF-8 text format. It should look like standard text.

Please ensure you are opening it in UTF-8 text format. It should look like standard text.

Trihedral Engineering Ltd.

Dear Dave,

Thanks a lot for your reply.


Already, It has in "UTF-8 text format". It does not work.
I have tried more different way to get a solution but it has not been possible.
I have attached a screenshot, please see it.

Some Necessary Information:

  1. I am not using any 3rd party antivirus in my operating system.

  2. No issue for other setup files which are being used with my operating system. That can be easily read.

  3. I had used windows 10 and 11 operating system but could not find any solution. Each operating system had the same problem with .INI/.NEW/.OEM files.

Dear Dave, Thanks a lot for your reply. ![656e82233cde6](serve/attachment&amp;path=656e82233cde6) Already, It has in &quot;UTF-8 text format&quot;. It does not work. I have tried more different way to get a solution but it has not been possible. I have attached a screenshot, please see it. Some Necessary Information: 1. I am not using any 3rd party antivirus in my operating system. 2. No issue for other setup files which are being used with my operating system. That can be easily read. 3. I had used windows 10 and 11 operating system but could not find any solution. Each operating system had the same problem with .INI/.NEW/.OEM files.
edited Dec 5 '23 at 8:22 am

If you can create a link to a copy of the file, we can do some tests here to see if we can determine what might be causing the issue.

If you can create a link to a copy of the file, we can do some tests here to see if we can determine what might be causing the issue.

Trihedral Engineering Ltd.

Please see the below links:




Please see the below links: SETUP.INI: SETUP.NEW: SETUP.OEM:

Thanks. It seems your issue is that you do not have file extensions turned on in windows explorer and the file you are opening is setup.ini.repolog and not setup.ini.

You'll find setup.ini (Default is C:\VTScada\setup.ini) in the root VTScada directory and can turn on file extensions by opening file explorer, clicking the view dropdown, then clicking show, and select show file extensions.

Hopefully that helps

Thanks. It seems your issue is that you do not have file extensions turned on in windows explorer and the file you are opening is setup.ini.repolog and not setup.ini. You&#039;ll find setup.ini (Default is C:\VTScada\setup.ini) in the root VTScada directory and can turn on file extensions by opening file explorer, clicking the view dropdown, then clicking show, and select show file extensions. Hopefully that helps

Trihedral Engineering Ltd.

Dear Dave,

I am really glad to get your support.
Thanks a lot.

Dear Dave, I am really glad to get your support. Thanks a lot.
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