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online help for Edge function

Can anyone explain what VTScada are attempting to describe here?

I can't grasp how example 2 or the notes following example 2 apply to rising &/or falling edge detection.

Can anyone explain what VTScada are attempting to describe here? I can't grasp how example 2 or the notes following example 2 apply to rising &/or falling edge detection.

Example 2 is a very puzzling error in the docs. That shouldn't be there at all. And it won't be after the next build.

Try this one instead: It monitors for a left-click release within a target area.

If Edge(LocSwitch() == 4, 0) {Left mouse button released } &&
Target(10, 25, 110, 225) {Mouse in target area };

Example 2 is a very puzzling error in the docs. That shouldn't be there at all. And it won't be after the next build. Try this one instead: It monitors for a left-click _release_ within a target area. If Edge(LocSwitch() == 4, 0) {Left mouse button released } && Target(10, 25, 110, 225) {Mouse in target area }; [ ... ]
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