General Discussions
Is it possible to have remote access to the supervisory via domain/url without VPN?

I would like to know if it is possible to have remote access to the supervisory system through the domain/url without a VPN? I purchased a domain and hosting and I need to have my supervisory system on this domain, but I do not have a VPN. I would like to know if it is possible and also how to do this configuration because the SSL Connection video on VTScada's YouTube is out of date and some items cannot be done completely. I need urgent help because the project is already running and only this process is missing.


I would like to know if it is possible to have remote access to the supervisory system through the domain/url without a VPN? I purchased a domain and hosting and I need to have my supervisory system on this domain, but I do not have a VPN. I would like to know if it is possible and also how to do this configuration because the SSL Connection video on VTScada's YouTube is out of date and some items cannot be done completely. I need urgent help because the project is already running and only this process is missing. ![676d527295be1](serve/attachment&path=676d527295be1) ![676d5272954f7](serve/attachment&path=676d5272954f7)

The certificate dialog can be used to create a certificate request (CSR) to send to a certificate authority to create a certificate which can then be processed by the dialog.

You can also just go directly to the certificate authority and them import that certificate, MUST be a pfx file, and configure VTScada to use it, see the certificate processing section 6. onwards in the VTScada help system (here)

The certificate dialog can be used to create a certificate request (CSR) to send to a certificate authority to create a certificate which can then be processed by the dialog. You can also just go directly to the certificate authority and them import that certificate, MUST be a pfx file, and configure VTScada to use it, see the certificate processing section 6. onwards in the VTScada help system ([here](

Software Developer with Trihedral

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