General Discussions
Installing VTScada on cloud server for remote well monitoring

Hi All, we are looking at a project where we want to host VTScada on a remote AWS web server and have it amalgamate several remote well sites connected to the internet with GSM modems. Has anyone deployed a system like this with VTScada before? We've done similar with other platforms but we're keen to move forward with a VTScada solution for this one. Any tips or info is appreciated!

Hi All, we are looking at a project where we want to host VTScada on a remote AWS web server and have it amalgamate several remote well sites connected to the internet with GSM modems. Has anyone deployed a system like this with VTScada before? We've done similar with other platforms but we're keen to move forward with a VTScada solution for this one. Any tips or info is appreciated!

Yes, we do have other customers providing hosted systems using VTScada running on AWS servers. I'd suggest you look at using Twillio for your alarm dialer service. Also, if you install VTScada as a service, you will need another license to do development.

Yes, we do have other customers providing hosted systems using VTScada running on AWS servers. I'd suggest you look at using Twillio for your alarm dialer service. Also, if you install VTScada as a service, you will need another license to do development.

Trihedral Engineering Ltd.

edited Apr 16 '18 at 1:51 pm
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