A great place to start is to run through the free VTScada academy to learn the software and create a demo application using a simple data simulator which ships with the product.
VTScada Academy: https://home.academy.vtscada.com/
Once you have the basics down, and if you don't have a PLC or other data to use, I'd suggest you head over to OpenWeatherMap, get yourself a free API key, and use the VTScada JSON/XML driver to build your own weather application.
OpenWeatherMap: https://openweathermap.org/current
I have also found tons of fun, free, JSON api's to query data for fun projects. Below is a fun app I created to track the ISS (http://api.open-notify.org/iss-now.json). It also allows you to place a pin on the map and calculates the distance to the ISS. If the ISS is visible, it is between sunset and sunrise, and the weather forecast is for clear skies, then it sends an SMS message telling me to Look Up!
A great place to start is to run through the free VTScada academy to learn the software and create a demo application using a simple data simulator which ships with the product.
VTScada Academy: https://home.academy.vtscada.com/
Once you have the basics down, and if you don't have a PLC or other data to use, I'd suggest you head over to OpenWeatherMap, get yourself a free API key, and use the VTScada JSON/XML driver to build your own weather application.
OpenWeatherMap: https://openweathermap.org/current
I have also found tons of fun, free, JSON api's to query data for fun projects. Below is a fun app I created to track the ISS (http://api.open-notify.org/iss-now.json). It also allows you to place a pin on the map and calculates the distance to the ISS. If the ISS is visible, it is between sunset and sunrise, and the weather forecast is for clear skies, then it sends an SMS message telling me to Look Up!
Trihedral Engineering Ltd.