I have a script written where I'm talking to a Serial port sending and receiving messages.
Is there a way send the string response to a tag created in the Tag Browser?
I have tried using the following:
Scope(\VTSDB, "Com3\R_Status", TRUE)
Scope(\VTSDB, "h{zfoiw%7k\5dhe8xmq^m", TRUE)
It does seem to work a bit but ends up crashing VTSCADA.
Also tried it with LocalScope.
I have a script written where I'm talking to a Serial port sending and receiving messages.
Is there a way send the string response to a tag created in the Tag Browser?
I have tried using the following:
Scope(\VTSDB, "Com3\R_Status", TRUE)
Scope(\VTSDB, "h{zfoiw%7k\5dhe8xmq^m", TRUE)
It does seem to work a bit but ends up crashing VTSCADA.
Also tried it with LocalScope.