General Discussions
Daily Total Report

Hi All,

I am having an issue with a daily report that i have configured.

My understanding is that a daily report is a sum of the values accumulated for a each of a selected set of tags within the time period you specify.

Very simple i have four tags which values change approx. 4 times a day, in theory these values should be added together and displayed as a 'Daily Total'... Right?

My values are way higher than they should be and cant figure out why!

I have attached a screenshot of my report... Configured to display current calendar week.

For instance March 18 Should be...

Count = 1
m3 = 7
% = 4.1
Ltr = 2737

All for tags have been configured as Analog I/O tags with the applicable ranges set.


Hi All, I am having an issue with a daily report that i have configured. My understanding is that a daily report is a sum of the values accumulated for a each of a selected set of tags within the time period you specify. Very simple i have four tags which values change approx. 4 times a day, in theory these values should be added together and displayed as a 'Daily Total'... Right? My values are way higher than they should be and cant figure out why! I have attached a screenshot of my report... Configured to display current calendar week. For instance March 18 Should be... Count = 1 m3 = 7 % = 4.1 Ltr = 2737 All for tags have been configured as Analog I/O tags with the applicable ranges set. ![67da704e08294](serve/attachment&path=67da704e08294)

I believe the answer is...

These for tags values were set to ZERO at points during the day therefore...

If the count restarts or rolls over each time a maximum value is reached the total will be the number of rollovers times the maximum value, plus the difference between the last value recorded and the first value recorded.


I believe the answer is... These for tags values were set to ZERO at points during the day therefore... If the count restarts or rolls over each time a maximum value is reached the total will be the number of rollovers times the maximum value, plus the difference between the last value recorded and the first value recorded. ALWAYS READ THE HELP NOTES... hehe!
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