I'm new to VT Scada, Scada in general.
We are currently migrating off a older machine that is using a PCI Dialogic for a voice modem.
Our new machine only has PCI express slots so I'm looking for a replacement that fits the new machine whether it be PCIe or USB.
We only have 1 phone line strictly for alerts.
I saw that US Robotics and others like TP-Link list in there specs that they support voice but I'd rather not order something only to find out it doesn't work so I thought I'd ask.
What does the community recommend for a voice modem for call alerts?
I'm new to VT Scada, Scada in general.
We are currently migrating off a older machine that is using a PCI Dialogic for a voice modem.
Our new machine only has PCI express slots so I'm looking for a replacement that fits the new machine whether it be PCIe or USB.
We only have 1 phone line strictly for alerts.
I saw that US Robotics and others like TP-Link list in there specs that they support voice but I'd rather not order something only to find out it doesn't work so I thought I'd ask.
What does the community recommend for a voice modem for call alerts?