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Recipe stored in dictionary get lost after application restart

I have created a script to store recipe in a Network Value variable. This variable is declared in Approot.src under NETWORKVALUE. code works fine till application is running but the problem is when I restart the application I can not find stored recipe. Is there anything I am missing which results into this problem ?

I have created a script to store recipe in a Network Value variable. This variable is declared in Approot.src under NETWORKVALUE. code works fine till application is running but the problem is when I restart the application I can not find stored recipe. Is there anything I am missing which results into this problem ?
edited Jan 26 '23 at 4:45 am

A couple of questions for you:

1) What is the data type of the variable that you're trying to store as a Network Value?
2) Can we get a copy of your source code to review?
3) Have you tried using the Recipe tags in VTScada? See

A couple of questions for you: 1) What is the data type of the variable that you're trying to store as a Network Value? 2) Can we get a copy of your source code to review? 3) Have you tried using the Recipe tags in VTScada? See

Lawrence MacNeil
Trihedral Engineering Limited

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