General Discussions
Mismatch in REST query response and values in Tag browser


Hello Team,

We are working on reading the data using VTScada REST queries. While working History_TPPvalue tables we are trying to read Average values. While comparing the result in the Tag browser we found that the values are not the same. I have attached the screenshot for Historical Data Viewer and also the txt file with the REST query and its response. Could you please help me to understand if I am doing anything wrong here while comparing the data? For my use-case, I'm logging only 1 and 0 values as numbers.

Itanta Analytics

[rest_response.txt](serve/attachment&path=6412f5e0344fe) ![6412f5e0d6252](serve/attachment&path=6412f5e0d6252) Hello Team, We are working on reading the data using VTScada REST queries. While working History_TPPvalue tables we are trying to read Average values. While comparing the result in the Tag browser we found that the values are not the same. I have attached the screenshot for Historical Data Viewer and also the txt file with the REST query and its response. Could you please help me to understand if I am doing anything wrong here while comparing the data? For my use-case, I'm logging only 1 and 0 values as numbers. Regards, Nandkishor Itanta Analytics
edited Mar 16 '23 at 11:04 am

I sent this to our Dev team this morning and they suggested the following:

Please have the customer 'Adjust the tags' Digits After Decimal parameter to see digits after the decimal point in HDV.'

Please give that a shot and let me know if it solves this.

As an aside, please also note that the sample query is for Alarm 1 and 2 while the HDV example is for Alarm 3. We expect you are aware of this but just wanted to clarify.

I sent this to our Dev team this morning and they suggested the following: Please have the customer 'Adjust the tags' Digits After Decimal parameter to see digits after the decimal point in HDV.' Please give that a shot and let me know if it solves this. As an aside, please also note that the sample query is for Alarm 1 and 2 while the HDV example is for Alarm 3. We expect you are aware of this but just wanted to clarify.

Trihedral Engineering Ltd.

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