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Active Alarm Tag Description Extraction


I want to extract ONLY the Description of the last Active alarm, and put in a tag. This way I can set any font size on the dynamic alarm text.

I have tried making custom XML alarm settings, and I get the data I want.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
        <Format name="SinglePopupCustom">
          <Column width="160">AlarmCellTimestamp</Column>
          <Column width="30%">AlarmCellDescription</Column>
          <Column width="90" extra="1">AlarmCellValue</Column>
          <Column width="90" extra="1">AlarmCellSetpoint</Column>
          <Column width="70" extra="1">AlarmCellUnits</Column>

        <Format name="PopupCustom" label="PopupBotngaard">
          <list name="Active" label="PB_ActiveListLabel">

But the look is not how I want it. And there is a problem with the changing background color of the alarms.


I only want the text, and maybe the date. But I can't figure out the location/addressing of the dynamic "last alarm tag".

Hello. I want to extract ONLY the Description of the last Active alarm, and put in a tag. This way I can set any font size on the dynamic alarm text. I have tried making custom XML alarm settings, and I get the data I want. ```` &lt;?xml version=&quot;1.0&quot; encoding=&quot;ISO-8859-1&quot;?&gt; &lt;AlarmList&gt; &lt;ColumnFormats&gt; &lt;Format name=&quot;SinglePopupCustom&quot;&gt; &lt;Column width=&quot;160&quot;&gt;AlarmCellTimestamp&lt;/Column&gt; &lt;Column width=&quot;30%&quot;&gt;AlarmCellDescription&lt;/Column&gt; &lt;Column width=&quot;90&quot; extra=&quot;1&quot;&gt;AlarmCellValue&lt;/Column&gt; &lt;Column width=&quot;90&quot; extra=&quot;1&quot;&gt;AlarmCellSetpoint&lt;/Column&gt; &lt;Column width=&quot;70&quot; extra=&quot;1&quot;&gt;AlarmCellUnits&lt;/Column&gt; &lt;/Format&gt; &lt;/ColumnFormats&gt; &lt;ListFormats&gt; &lt;Format name=&quot;PopupCustom&quot; label=&quot;PopupBotngaard&quot;&gt; &lt;list name=&quot;Active&quot; label=&quot;PB_ActiveListLabel&quot;&gt; &lt;Single&gt;SinglePopupCustom&lt;/Single&gt; &lt;Double&gt;SinglePopupCustom&lt;/Double&gt; &lt;/list&gt; &lt;/Format&gt; &lt;/ListFormats&gt; &lt;/AlarmList&gt; ```` But the look is not how I want it. And there is a problem with the changing background color of the alarms. ![59ae929a83bc9.png](serve/attachment&amp;path=59ae929a83bc9.png) I only want the text, and maybe the date. But I can&#039;t figure out the location/addressing of the dynamic &quot;last alarm tag&quot;.

GetAlarmList Script function:

You should be able to pass a pointer to a List of alarm names which will be able to reference the first active alarms given the parameter.

GetAlarmList Script function: You should be able to pass a pointer to a List of alarm names which will be able to reference the first active alarms given the parameter.

There is no simple method to get the description (or any other part) of the "last active alarm".

The method Michael notes can be used to retrieve an alarm list, but it will contain ALL active alarms, and all elements for those alarms. Usage of this function is regarded as an advanced topic.

Can you describe the end product of what you want to display, there may be another method to achieve it?

There is no simple method to get the description (or any other part) of the &quot;last active alarm&quot;. The method Michael notes can be used to retrieve an alarm list, but it will contain ALL active alarms, and all elements for those alarms. Usage of this function is regarded as an advanced topic. Can you describe the end product of what you want to display, there may be another method to achieve it?

Software Developer with Trihedral

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