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Ways to trigger steps in a multi-write tag with different delays and/or different order


I've been using VTScada for a few weeks now and would like to check if you can recommend ways to implement sequences of events that may have different order, and time delays between them.

For example, let's say I want to have a button X that when pushed activates Sequences 1 and 2 as follows:

Sequence 1:

If option A preferred (this implies option A is active):

  1. Write 1 to PLC address 5
  2. Wait 5 seconds
  3. Write 1 to PLC address 6 (only if option B is active)

If option B preferred (this implies option B is active):

  1. Write 1 to PLC address 6
  2. Wait 5 seconds
  3. Write 1 to PLC address 5 (only if option A is active)

Sequence 2:

If option C preferred (this implies option C is active):

  1. Write 1 to PLC address 7
  2. Wait 5 seconds
  3. Write 1 to PLC address 8 (only if option D is active)

If option D preferred (this implies option D is active):

  1. Write 1 to PLC address 7
  2. Wait 5 seconds
  3. Write 1 to PLC address 8 (only if option C is active)

I then also need to have button Y trigger a similar variation of Sequences 2 and 1 (what would change are the values to write to the PLC address, the time delay and the steps order)

I've been trying to use a combination of trigger tags and multi-write tags; however it seems I can't write to a trigger tag as one of the steps on a multi-write tag. I can write to other tags such a multi-write tags and memory tags for example, but I've been using the delay option in the trigger tab as a timer (there might be a better way to implement the time delay)

Perhaps, I am missing a more straightforward approach. I'll continue experimenting, and would let you know if I reach a way that makes me happy.

Thank you,

Hello, I've been using VTScada for a few weeks now and would like to check if you can recommend ways to implement sequences of events that may have different order, and time delays between them. For example, let's say I want to have a button X that when pushed activates Sequences 1 and 2 as follows: Sequence 1: If option A preferred (this implies option A is active): 1. Write 1 to PLC address 5 2. Wait 5 seconds 3. Write 1 to PLC address 6 (only if option B is active) If option B preferred (this implies option B is active): 1. Write 1 to PLC address 6 2. Wait 5 seconds 3. Write 1 to PLC address 5 (only if option A is active) Sequence 2: If option C preferred (this implies option C is active): 1. Write 1 to PLC address 7 2. Wait 5 seconds 3. Write 1 to PLC address 8 (only if option D is active) If option D preferred (this implies option D is active): 1. Write 1 to PLC address 7 2. Wait 5 seconds 3. Write 1 to PLC address 8 (only if option C is active) I then also need to have button Y trigger a similar variation of Sequences 2 and 1 (what would change are the values to write to the PLC address, the time delay and the steps order) I've been trying to use a combination of trigger tags and multi-write tags; however it seems I can't write to a trigger tag as one of the steps on a multi-write tag. I can write to other tags such a multi-write tags and memory tags for example, but I've been using the delay option in the trigger tab as a timer (there might be a better way to implement the time delay) Perhaps, I am missing a more straightforward approach. I'll continue experimenting, and would let you know if I reach a way that makes me happy. Thank you, David

Have you looked at using a recipe for this?

Have you looked at using a [recipe]( for this?
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