Support Forums
12018 Improper use of an evaluation license

When I installed the license, I got an error as attached. Can you help with this?64e45a0b77737

You can see the error page easily here

When I installed the license, I got an error as attached. Can you help with this?![64e45a0b77737](serve/attachment&path=64e45a0b77737) [You can see the error page easily here](file:///C:/VTScada/VTSHelp/Content/Dialogs/12018_License_Error.htm?cshid=12018)

Looks like your application was developed with VTScadaLight or the 90-Day trial but is trying to run in a VTScada runtime. You must edit the application with a paid development license before it can be used in a standard runtime.

Looks like your application was developed with VTScadaLight or the 90-Day trial but is trying to run in a VTScada runtime. You must edit the application with a paid development license before it can be used in a standard runtime.

Trihedral Engineering Ltd.

edited Aug 22 '23 at 12:47 pm
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