General Discussions
An Important Notice Regarding A Chromium Bug Affecting the VTScada Anywhere User Experience

A Chromium browser bug is causing some graphics not to render (where ZColorChange is used). The bug was introduced in Google Chrome Browser version 119 and associated Chromium versions (Microsoft Edge Included). You can read about the bug at
If your VTScada Anywhere internet client graphics are not rendering correctly, you can work around the issue by doing any of the following:

  1. Upgrade to VTScada 12.1.32 or later where we have added an automated workaround on our end.
  2. Switch to using Firefox to connect to the VTScada Anywhere Client.
  3. In affected versions of Chrome or Edge, disable “Accelerated 2D canvas” (aka #disable-accelerated-2d-canvas). Direct links to this setting can be found by entering the following in the browser:
    • For Chrome: chrome://flags/#disable-accelerated-2d-canvas
    • For Edge: edge://flags/#disable-accelerated-2d-canvas

While we expect the bug to be corrected in a future Chromium release, we hope that the options above will satisfy your needs until the issue is resolved. Questions: Please reach out to the SupportPlus team or visit Contact Us ( to find the Technical Salesperson serving your region.

A Chromium browser bug is causing some graphics not to render (where ZColorChange is used). The bug was introduced in Google Chrome Browser version 119 and associated Chromium versions (Microsoft Edge Included). You can read about the bug at If your VTScada Anywhere internet client graphics are not rendering correctly, you can work around the issue by doing any of the following: 1. Upgrade to VTScada 12.1.32 or later where we have added an automated workaround on our end. 2. Switch to using Firefox to connect to the VTScada Anywhere Client. 3. In affected versions of Chrome or Edge, disable “Accelerated 2D canvas” (aka #disable-accelerated-2d-canvas). Direct links to this setting can be found by entering the following in the browser: - For Chrome: chrome://flags/#disable-accelerated-2d-canvas - For Edge: edge://flags/#disable-accelerated-2d-canvas While we expect the bug to be corrected in a future Chromium release, we hope that the options above will satisfy your needs until the issue is resolved. Questions: Please reach out to the [SupportPlus]( team or visit [Contact Us]( ( to find the Technical Salesperson serving your region.

Trihedral Engineering Ltd.

edited Nov 27 '23 at 12:58 pm
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