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Rain data

Fairly new to VTScada and I need help setting up certain tag to pull from a weather station (Columbia 420) we have.

The station keeps a running total up to 10 inches before rolling back to 0 inches. I would like to display rainfall today but the reset back to 0 has me stumped as to how to setup that tag to account for the rollover which could happen in the middle of the day.

Thanks in advance for replies!

Fairly new to VTScada and I need help setting up certain tag to pull from a weather station (Columbia 420) we have. The station keeps a running total up to 10 inches before rolling back to 0 inches. I would like to display rainfall today but the reset back to 0 has me stumped as to how to setup that tag to account for the rollover which could happen in the middle of the day. Thanks in advance for replies!

I did try that, but unless I'm doing something wrong, the "Manual Data Period" > "Latest" > "1 day" gives a value for a 24-hour period. I'm wanting a value from midnight to midnight.

I did try that, but unless I'm doing something wrong, the "Manual Data Period" > "Latest" > "1 day" gives a value for a 24-hour period. I'm wanting a value from midnight to midnight.
edited Dec 13 '23 at 11:57 am

Hmm, the only other thing I could think of is use a trigger tag to trigger a multi-write tag every day at 12AM. The multi-write tag would then write the value of the history stats tag into another i/o memory tag, called something like "yesterdays_rain." That's about all I can think of. Full disclosure, I'm just a user, not an employee.

Hmm, the only other thing I could think of is use a trigger tag to trigger a multi-write tag every day at 12AM. The multi-write tag would then write the value of the history stats tag into another i/o memory tag, called something like "yesterdays_rain." That's about all I can think of. Full disclosure, I'm just a user, not an employee.
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