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syntax for carriage return & line feed

I need to come up with valid expression for two lines of text with a carriage return & line feed separating them. I've done this before but I can't remember where or how. This shouldn't be impossible to find in the help. I know it's in there somewhere but nothing I search for turns up anything useful.

By the way, I am aware of VTScada's multi line text widget. That widget doesn't let me us a colour expression & I need the two-line text's colour to be dynamic.

I need to come up with valid expression for two lines of text with a carriage return & line feed separating them. I've done this before but I can't remember where or how. This shouldn't be impossible to find in the help. I know it's in there somewhere but nothing I search for turns up anything useful. By the way, I am aware of VTScada's multi line text widget. That widget doesn't let me us a colour expression & I need the two-line text's colour to be dynamic.

While this is probably not the answer you are looking for but below is a sample piece of code to create dynamic colours in the multi-line text widget. Note that you can copy the code and paste it directly into the Idea Studio

The widget code below will change the text color based on the location of the mouse on the page.

  "pEsxUPFuC": {
    "EN": {
      "String": "This Text Is Dynamic Colors\r\nAnd Multiple Lines",
      "Comment": null

  GUITransform(50, 149, 285, 97,
               1, 1, 1, 1, 1 { Scaling              },
               0, 0          { Movement             },
               1, 0          { Visibility, Reserved },
               0, 0, 0       { Selectability        },
               Scope(\Code, "Library", TRUE)\DrawMultiText("pEsxUPFuC", CONCAT("<FF",\FormatInteger(Limit(XLoc()/5,50,254),\#HEX,\#DATA_BYTE),\FormatInteger(Limit(YLoc()/5,50,254),\#HEX,\#DATA_BYTE),"00>"), 1, Invalid, 3, "<FF050505>"));
While this is probably not the answer you are looking for but below is a sample piece of code to create dynamic colours in the multi-line text widget. Note that you can copy the code and paste it directly into the Idea Studio The widget code below will change the text color based on the location of the mouse on the page. ```` {140} { &quot;pEsxUPFuC&quot;: { &quot;EN&quot;: { &quot;String&quot;: &quot;This Text Is Dynamic Colors\r\nAnd Multiple Lines&quot;, &quot;Comment&quot;: null } } } GUITransform(50, 149, 285, 97, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 { Scaling }, 0, 0 { Movement }, 1, 0 { Visibility, Reserved }, 0, 0, 0 { Selectability }, Scope(\Code, &quot;Library&quot;, TRUE)\DrawMultiText(&quot;pEsxUPFuC&quot;, CONCAT(&quot;&lt;FF&quot;,\FormatInteger(Limit(XLoc()/5,50,254),\#HEX,\#DATA_BYTE),\FormatInteger(Limit(YLoc()/5,50,254),\#HEX,\#DATA_BYTE),&quot;00&gt;&quot;), 1, Invalid, 3, &quot;&lt;FF050505&gt;&quot;)); ````

Trihedral Engineering Ltd.

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