General Discussions
Printing preferences

Is there a way to change the page print orientation and other variables through VTScada?


  • Is the PrintDialogBox function a way? I don't understand exactly how it works
Is there a way to change the page print orientation and other variables through VTScada? Thanks. * Is the PrintDialogBox function a way? I don't understand exactly how it works
edited Aug 8 '24 at 12:33 pm

The current version doesn't provide much in the way of printer control. You'd have to do that directly with your printer.

Best to avoid trying to use any of the functions. It takes a substantial investment of time to do scripting well.

The current version doesn't provide much in the way of printer control. You'd have to do that directly with your printer. Best to avoid trying to use any of the functions. It takes a substantial investment of time to do scripting well.
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