I'm encountering an issue with VTScada where a specific tag stops logging data after performing a backup to an external USB drive (C:\VTSCADA). This doesn't happen every time, but approximately once a week, right after the backup is completed, the tag flatlines. It's consistently the same tag that's affected.
For context, I am using a Windows script that only backs up files that have changed since the last backup.
Are there any known issues related to performing automated backups with VTScada files, particularly when writing data to an external device?
@echo off
:: Backup Folder 1
robocopy "C:\Users\NCID_\OneDrive\Desktop\Programs" "D:\Program Backups" /MIR /FFT /R:3 /W:10 /LOG+:"C:\BackupLogs\backup_log.txt" /NP /NDL
:: Backup Folder 2
robocopy "C:\VTScada" "D:\VtSCADA Backups" /MIR /FFT /R:3 /W:10 /LOG+:"C:\BackupLogs\backup_log.txt" /NP /NDL
:: End of Backup
echo Backup complete!
Are there any known issues with doing automated backups to VTSCADA files?
I'm encountering an issue with VTScada where a specific tag stops logging data after performing a backup to an external USB drive (C:\VTSCADA). This doesn't happen every time, but approximately once a week, right after the backup is completed, the tag flatlines. It's consistently the same tag that's affected.
For context, I am using a Windows script that only backs up files that have changed since the last backup.
Are there any known issues related to performing automated backups with VTScada files, particularly when writing data to an external device?
@echo off
:: Backup Folder 1
robocopy "C:\Users\NCID_\OneDrive\Desktop\Programs" "D:\Program Backups" /MIR /FFT /R:3 /W:10 /LOG+:"C:\BackupLogs\backup_log.txt" /NP /NDL
:: Backup Folder 2
robocopy "C:\VTScada" "D:\VtSCADA Backups" /MIR /FFT /R:3 /W:10 /LOG+:"C:\BackupLogs\backup_log.txt" /NP /NDL
:: End of Backup
echo Backup complete!
Are there any known issues with doing automated backups to VTSCADA files?