Support Forums
Migrating Tag Types from Application to OEM Layer

We have a system running an OEM layer and an application. There have been many tag types added to the Application rather than the OEM. To enable master/subordinate hierarchy for a new site, we want to migrate these tag types to the OEM layer. How can we achieve this with minimal disruption to the existing application? I see there is this help topic - however that seems to be targeted towards the development of an OEM rather than a system that is already running.

Current Configuration:
Our OEM Layer(Some Tag Types/Widgets)
Customer Application(Some Tag Types/Widgets)

Proposed Configuration:
Our OEM Layer(All Tag Types/Widgets)
Customer Application (No custom tag types)

We have a system running an OEM layer and an application. There have been many tag types added to the Application rather than the OEM. To enable master/subordinate hierarchy for a new site, we want to migrate these tag types to the OEM layer. How can we achieve this with minimal disruption to the existing application? I see there is this help topic - however that seems to be targeted towards the development of an OEM rather than a system that is already running. Current Configuration: VTScada Our OEM Layer(Some Tag Types/Widgets) Customer Application(Some Tag Types/Widgets) Proposed Configuration: VTScada Our OEM Layer(All Tag Types/Widgets) Customer Application (No custom tag types)
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