General Discussions
What is the easiest way to do a daily pump run report for 5 years?

This is a question I was asked by a customer recently:

Q – What is the easiest way to do a daily pump run report for 5 years?

A – The built-in Pump Activity Report should work. It provides you with activity over the entire time frame, not daily over x years. You'd have to run it for the previous day and then have (5*365) = 1825 previous periods. Not allowing for leap years.

However, running it for 5 years will tie up the historian server for a long time especially if you include more than one pump. It would be better to run the report for a year at a time. It would be better still to run it month-by-month.

This is a question I was asked by a customer recently: Q – What is the easiest way to do a daily pump run report for 5 years? A – The built-in Pump Activity Report should work. It provides you with activity over the entire time frame, not daily over x years. You'd have to run it for the previous day and then have (5*365) = 1825 previous periods. Not allowing for leap years. However, running it for 5 years will tie up the historian server for a long time especially if you include more than one pump. It would be better to run the report for a year at a time. It would be better still to run it month-by-month.
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