General Discussions
How to save values in vectors?

Sorry, but could you please add a bit more detail to that question? What do you mean by a vector? Is this for I/O, for local storage, or for graphics?

Sorry, but could you please add a bit more detail to that question? What do you mean by a vector? Is this for I/O, for local storage, or for graphics?

Assuming you are actually looking to work with vectors as in quantities with scale and direction; I'd suggest making a custom tag type with a child tag for each axis of your coordinate system.

For example, you could make a tag type such as the following:

This way, you can easily create a new vector tag such as vector1 which will automatically get the child tags and even any other calculations you want.

I should note that in the VTScada expressions, ^ is a bitwise or operator, not the 'to the power of' operand. If you want to get the magnitude of a vector, you'll need to use the following expression: SQRT(Pow([i-component],2)+Pow([j-component],2)+Pow([k-component],2))

Hopefully, this can get you started. That said, better understanding what you are looking to accomplish would be helpful as we may be able to provide more specific advise.

You can learn more about custom tag types in our help files by pressing F1 in VTScada or clicking the following link:

Assuming you are actually looking to work with vectors as in quantities with scale and direction; I'd suggest making a custom tag type with a child tag for each axis of your coordinate system. For example, you could make a tag type such as the following: VectorName |-->i-component |-->j-component |-->k-component |-->Magnitude This way, you can easily create a new vector tag such as vector1 which will automatically get the child tags and even any other calculations you want. I should note that in the VTScada expressions, ^ is a bitwise or operator, not the 'to the power of' operand. If you want to get the magnitude of a vector, you'll need to use the following expression: SQRT(Pow([i-component],2)+Pow([j-component],2)+Pow([k-component],2)) Hopefully, this can get you started. That said, better understanding what you are looking to accomplish would be helpful as we may be able to provide more specific advise. You can learn more about custom tag types in our help files by pressing F1 in VTScada or clicking the following link:

Trihedral Engineering Ltd.

edited Dec 10 '18 at 8:36 pm
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