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Highest Value out of all tags named Tagname

Should be easy enough to script.
something like:
DataAges = \GetTagList(scope(\VTSDB, "PC"\Name, TRUE, 0, "DataAge", Invalid, Invalid, False);

then use something like
Whileloop(i < arraysize(DataAges),
{if Highest dataage < dataAges[i] then Highest dataage = dataAges[i] }

Hope this helps....

Should be easy enough to script. something like: DataAges = \GetTagList(scope(\VTSDB, &quot;PC&quot;\Name, TRUE, 0, &quot;DataAge&quot;, Invalid, Invalid, False); then use something like Whileloop(i &lt; arraysize(DataAges), {if Highest dataage &lt; dataAges[i] then Highest dataage = dataAges[i] } {i++} Hope this helps....
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