General Discussions
Trend Visibility is Global

If I open the Historical Data Viewer page and turn a tag's trend visibility off by clicking the eyeball icon and then close the page, the trend visibility is set to disabled globally. You go to a page showing that tag's value and click on it to open the plot and it is not visible. Not only that, but any other user will also have that tag's plot not be visible.

How can I configure the plot visibility to at least be a specific to the user. Ideally, it's visibility status should return to true when page is closed or visibility status could be bound to the instance of the trend and default to 1.

Any ideas?

If I open the Historical Data Viewer page and turn a tag's trend visibility off by clicking the eyeball icon and then close the page, the trend visibility is set to disabled globally. You go to a page showing that tag's value and click on it to open the plot and it is not visible. Not only that, but any other user will also have that tag's plot not be visible. How can I configure the plot visibility to at least be a specific to the user. Ideally, it's visibility status should return to true when page is closed or visibility status could be bound to the instance of the trend and default to 1. Any ideas?


I've turned this into a feedback report and it is with our developers.

DanW, I've turned this into a feedback report and it is with our developers.

Trihedral Engineering Ltd.

Thanks Dave - we appreciate that.

Have a great Canada Day!

Thanks Dave - we appreciate that. Have a great Canada Day!
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