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Acessing Bit level from analog mem tag or DNP3 integer tag

we are taking 16 bit Integer INT1 thru DNP3. is there any way to access its individual bit.

these are my digital status, each bit representing my digital status from controller. so bit wise addressing required to access them in scada.

i tried making a calculation tag with digital IO and put an expression
but still i cant access the bit.

thanks in advance

we are taking 16 bit Integer **INT1** thru DNP3. is there any way to access its individual bit. these are my digital status, each bit representing my digital status from controller. so bit wise addressing required to access them in scada. i tried making a calculation tag with digital IO and put an expression but still i cant access the bit. thanks in advance

DNP3 has a native single bit digital type, group 1. If you map your I/O to points in this group, they will all be broken out correctly.

If you absolutely must use a 16 bit analog, then you'll have to use calculations to break out the bits from the tag.

DNP3 has a native single bit digital type, group 1. If you map your I/O to points in this group, they will all be broken out correctly. If you absolutely must use a 16 bit analog, then you'll have to use calculations to break out the bits from the tag.

Software Developer with Trihedral

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