General Discussions
Adding server- won't stay populated

Hi all,

I am working on my first VTScada application. I am trying to set up the internet client and I am not using an SSL certificate. I have already created a realm. I am trying to set up the server now. I cannot get my 'server list' to stay populated. I click 'add' and I have tried adding the IP address of the computer that will be running VTS and that same computer's name. They will add to the server list and I click 'apply'. If I change to the 'Realms' tab and then back to 'Server Setup', what I have added is no longer there. And the URLs never populate.

Can anyone please identify what I am doing wrong?

Thank you

Hi all, I am working on my first VTScada application. I am trying to set up the internet client and I am not using an SSL certificate. I have already created a realm. I am trying to set up the server now. I cannot get my 'server list' to stay populated. I click 'add' and I have tried adding the IP address of the computer that will be running VTS and that same computer's name. They will add to the server list and I click 'apply'. If I change to the 'Realms' tab and then back to 'Server Setup', what I have added is no longer there. And the URLs never populate. Can anyone please identify what I am doing wrong? Thank you

Try adding the name of the computer you are working from to the server list first. Then you should be able to add the other computer to the list. Once connected to the other computer, you can move that one up the list.

Note that the Thin client server list is a VTScada configuration and not an application configuration.

Try adding the name of the computer you are working from to the server list first. Then you should be able to add the other computer to the list. Once connected to the other computer, you can move that one up the list. Note that the Thin client server list is a VTScada configuration and not an application configuration.

Trihedral Engineering Ltd.

Thank you for your help! I was able to add my current PC name and it has created the URLs. It will not allow me to add a second server because "Only one server can be specified with this license". So once I move the application to the computer that it will live on, will I just remove the current server and add in the new? Will that mess things up?

Also, where do I find the login and password? I haven't set this up anywhere, but it prompts me to fill in a username and password when I go to the MIC and Anywhere URL. I have never made a username/password for VTS other than for this forum.

Thanks again.

Thank you for your help! I was able to add my current PC name and it has created the URLs. It will not allow me to add a second server because "Only one server can be specified with this license". So once I move the application to the computer that it will live on, will I just remove the current server and add in the new? Will that mess things up? Also, where do I find the login and password? I haven't set this up anywhere, but it prompts me to fill in a username and password when I go to the MIC and Anywhere URL. I have never made a username/password for VTS other than for this forum. Thanks again.

Also, I get Error Code-403 when I use the VIC URL. Does this mean that I have something configured incorrectly?

Also, I get Error Code-403 when I use the VIC URL. Does this mean that I have something configured incorrectly?

The login credentials that the VIC/MIC/Anywhere client use are simply those that are configured in your VTScada application.
What you need to do is to log in on your server by clicking the Login button at the top right of your application window. Next you will create an "admin" user (you can name it whatever you like) that has the power to add/remove user accounts.
Once you've done that, you need to login to your VTScada application on your server using the admin credentials and create a "regular" user account. You can choose whatever privileges are appropriate for your regular user, but make sure you include "Internet Client Access".
You can then use that regular user account to authenticate via the VIC/MIC/Anywhere clients.

The login credentials that the VIC/MIC/Anywhere client use are simply those that are configured in your VTScada application. What you need to do is to log in on your server by clicking the Login button at the top right of your application window. Next you will create an "admin" user (you can name it whatever you like) that has the power to add/remove user accounts. Once you've done that, you need to login to your VTScada application on your server using the admin credentials and create a "regular" user account. You can choose whatever privileges are appropriate for your regular user, but make sure you include "Internet Client Access". You can then use that regular user account to authenticate via the VIC/MIC/Anywhere clients.
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